Quick access to interactions (basic jinxes for now)

Icon for Banshee


If the Demon kills you, all players learn this. From now on, you may nominate twice per day and vote twice per nomination.

If Leviathan is in play, and the Banshee dies by execution, all players learn that the Banshee has died, and the Banshee gains their ability.


If Riot nominates and kills the Banshee, all players learn that the Banshee has died, and the Banshee may nominate two players immediately.


If the Vortox is in play and the Demon kills the Banshee, the players still learn that the Banshee has died.

Interesting Interaction

If the Banshee is resurrected, their ability resets. Therefore, a resurrected Banshee has their normal ability text, but can only nominate once per day and vote once per nomination.

Interesting Interaction

If the Demon with the Banshee ability dies, they have an active Banshee ability - but only as long as the Boffin is alive.

This project is not affiliated with The Pandemonium Institute. All roles, content are the property of Steven Medway and The Pandemonium Institute.